New Mexico Made
Manufacturing is an important part of New Mexico’s economy. According to the National Association of Manufacturers, the total output from manufacturing is $5.9 billion and the sector’s share of total gross state product is 7.4 percent. New Mexico M.E.P. is proud to support our state’s manufacturers with our New Mexico Made program! The mission of the program is to inform the public about the incredible variety of products manufactured in The Land of Enchantment and provide manufacturers with resources to help them thrive.
Can you imagine the positive impact we could have on our state’s economy if we only bought locally-made products and worked with companies located in New Mexico? Now you have an easy way to “keep it in our state” with the New Mexico Made online directory! Whether you’re a business searching for a nearby supplier or an individual looking to buy goods from local vendors, browse through the New Mexico Made directory. Yes, you now have a convenient way to view all of the great products made in our state.
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ABC Canvas Inc.

ABQ Manufacturing Inc.

Absolute Powder Coating LLC

Advanced Business Design

Advanced Optical Technologies, Inc.

Affirmative Solutions, LLC

Affordable Blind Pros

Antelope Sales & Service Inc.

Apple Canyon Gourmet Company

Black Mesa Welding & Machining Inc.

Black Mesa Winery

Blacks Smuggler Winery

Blue Dog Fine Woodworking LLC

Brenda’s Perfect Brittle

Bright Holdings LLC

Buell’s Fish Hooks, LLC

Build With Robots, Inc.

Captiva Group

Cervantes Food Products, Inc.

Clay Groomer Machine Shop, Inc.

Compass Made

Deer Heart Solutions Ltd. Co.

Deluxe Design, Inc.

Desert Plastics

Earth Traveler Teardrop Trailers LLC

EFX Energy Technologies LLC

Enchanting Soap Collections by Roberta LLC


Fathers Building Futures

FreshPure Waters by National Water Services, Inc.

gelatina di vino

Gilly Loco

Glass Rite

Glenhasbah Renewable Energy Technologies (GRET)

Gruet Winery

Hanselmann Pottery

Haul Kings LLC

Heart of the Desert Pistachios and Wines

Heidi’s Raspberry Farm


Incienso De Santa Fe, Inc.

J & D Foods Inc.

Jack’s Plastic Welding Inc

Jillipepper Inc.

Just Click Printing

KGI Weld

Kimshe Kimchi


Kiva Lighting

LAD Engineering

Lana Dura LLC

Largo Tank & Equipment, Inc.

Laughing Turtle Soap Co.

Los Chileros

Mallory Metal Products, Inc.

Management Sciences Incorporated

Marble Brewery

Marpac Medical Manufacturing

Marquez Wrought Iron, Inc.



Mt. Taylor Manufacturing

New Mexico Clay, Inc.

New Mexico Ferments

Old Wood LLC

Pebble Creek Lighting


Print Express

Purple Adobe Lavender Farm

Radigan Engineering

Red Mountain Arsenal LLC

Red Rock Roasters

Rescue Tactics and Training

Roadrunner 3D

Salteydogg Metal Fab

San Juan Closet Works

Sandia Marble

Santa Fe Brewing Company

Santa Fe Spirits

Santa Sidra Hard Cider

Silverado Apparel + Home

Sisneros Bros. Mfg.

Solaro Energy, Inc.

Solitaire Homes

Southwest Composite Works Inc

Southwest Wines

Stand Strong Arch LLC

Starline Printing Co

Stixon Labels & New Mexico Plastics


Summit Industries


Syzygy Tile

Taos Bakes

Taos Bee

ThreeSixty, Inc.

Toltec Enterprises, Inc.


Unirac, Inc.

Valkyrie Machining

Vamco Manufacturing

Vanguard Technology Corp

Vaza, LLC