

Available to all manufacturers throughout the state, New Mexico M.E.P. works annually with over 110 manufacturers in New Mexico. Take a look! Shown here are a group of featured milestone stories of some of the work performed across the state, and impacts made to our state's economy.

Hover over each dot on the map to read about some of New Mexico M.E.P.'s impacts.

Map of New Mexico MEP success stories


Compass Components/Value stream mapping event with key personnel evaluated current production process for transmission harness products and incorporat...


Valley Mills/$2m cost savings due to location designation, opened new markets and customers, $40,000 annual revenue increase due to new products. Work...


IDSNM/Sales increase from $580,000 in 2019 to $1.1 million in 2020, moved from 1,200 sf facility to 6,000 sf. When Integrated Deposition Solutions (ID...


Vapour Organic Beauty/10% increase in domestic market potential, increased growth in global market of $1 billion a year. MEP began with a review of th...

Santa Teresa

Northwire Technical Cable/$144,000 cost savings identified, three additional daily hours of production for $4.5 in future sales, $10,000 per year in r...

New Mexico M.E.P. milestone stories across New Mexico

Companies we work with span from cosmetics to food manufacturing to high-tech, electronic, industrial, plastics, and digitization. Whether you have 1 employee or 400, we're here to help!

Want to see us in your county?

Save Costs & Grow Profits

New Mexico M.E.P. works with businesses to strategize and implement tailored solutions for your growth, technology, engineering and plant layout, business management, planning, lean operations, product quality, and more.


Compass Components/Value stream mapping event with key personnel evaluated current production process for transmission harness products and incorporated improvement ideas to reduce non-value added activities.New Mexico MEP conducted a 3-day Value Stream Mapping event with key Compass Components personnel. The group created the Value Stream Map of the current production process for their transmission harness…

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Valley Mills/$2m cost savings due to location designation, opened new markets and customers, $40,000 annual revenue increase due to new products. Working with MEP Lean Tools, Valley Mills has created a more visual production area and added labeling and inventory control. Valley Mills has participated in public Lean workshops; Lean Manufacturing 101, Standard Work and…

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IDSNM/Sales increase from $580,000 in 2019 to $1.1 million in 2020, moved from 1,200 sf facility to 6,000 sf. When Integrated Deposition Solutions (IDS), requested marketing and sales growth assistance in early 2020, New Mexico MEP saw an opportunity to innovate by adding services not typically provided by the center. IDS is an eight-year-old electronic-printer…

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Vapour Organic Beauty/10% increase in domestic market potential, increased growth in global market of $1 billion a year. MEP began with a review of the current state in the Organic Process. It was found that there were some areas that had been overlooked in the process. There were gaps in the process that needed to…

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Santa Teresa

Northwire Technical Cable/$144,000 cost savings identified, three additional daily hours of production for $4.5 in future sales, $10,000 per year in reduced energy consumption. Northwire completed an E3 site assessment with a team of technical staff from New Mexico MEP, TMAC and New Mexico State University Institute for Energy and Environment Resources Center.  E3 addresses…

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"New Mexico M.E.P. broke through all the personality types and odd workarounds at my company and streamlined the entire process so that we went from a stagnant company to one with increased revenue."

-Clay Allison, CEO, Wicked Edge/Hollowpoint of Santa Fe