New Mexico M.E.P. offers exciting workshops and training opportunities, a wide variety of hands-on activities, and manufacturing simulations for immersive training and application in real world settings. Get your team on the same page for your entire staff: changes, implementation, terminology, and onboarding new equipment or processes—a few at a time, or larger groups and departments together at one time.

In New Mexico $192.6 million increased/retained sales

Get everyone speaking the same language.
Learn important processes and skills with project onsite engagement: Allow designated staff to work one-on-one and affect change within your organization. Identify problems or potential for improvement. Outline tools and steps with your team. Implement the improvements, doing improvements on the shop floor.
-Carla Gallegos-Ortega, Founder and CEO, New Mexico Sabor/Albuquerque"New Mexico M.E.P. showed me that it is a possibility for me to get my own place. I didn’t know how much space I would need…they showed me this is doable. The inventory control spreadsheet will help with not only my ingredients but my jars, my lids, everything. M.E.P.’s help far exceeded my expectations."