In 2024, manufacturing companies and resource organizations that participated in the past did so again, demonstrating their strong interest in creating New Mexico’s next manufacturing workforce. Others were new to tours and events.
Thank you to the companies and organizations that participated this year. (Scroll down to see the events that took place in October of 2024.)

- ABC Canvas
- Array Technologies
- BioFlyte
- BlueHalo
- Clay Groomer Machine Shop
- Enchanted Mushroom Farms
- Exhib-It!
- Glass-Rite
- Precious Elements Designs
- Rader Awning
- Rocket Lab
- Sandia Biotech
- Sandia Pet Products
- Sandia Science & Technology Park
- TEAM Technologies
- Valencia Flour Mill
Resource Organizations
- Make Santa Fe
- FUSE Makerspace
- Make Santa Fe
- San Juan College Enterprise Center
- The Big Idea Makerspace
- San Juan College Enterprise Center
- WESST Enterprise Center Albuquerque
- WESST Enterprise Center Farmington

2024 Events
- Oct. 4, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm, Farmington: Open House at San Juan College Enterprise Center and The Big Idea Makerspace. More information.
- Oct. 8, Albuquerque: Guided tours of Exhib-It! and Array Technologies for students of Explore Academy. Private.
- Oct. 10, Farmington: Guided tour of Clay Groomer Machine Shop for students of San Juan College School of Energy. Private.
- Oct. 12, 1:00 – 6:00 pm, Santa Fe: Open house at Make Santa Fe featuring equipment and demonstrations. More Information.
- Oct. 15, 9:00 am – 3:45 pm, Jarales (near Belen): Three guided public tours of Valencia Flour Mill. Register.
- Oct. 16, Albuquerque: Guided tours for Gallup’s Hiroshi Miyamura High School 11th grade students of Central New Mexico College (CNM) skilled trades program and FUSE Makerspace. Private.
- Oct. 17, Albuquerque: Guided tours of Sandia Science & Technology Park manufacturing companies, including BioFlyte, BlueHalo, Rocket Lab, and Team Technologies, for students of Technology Leadership High School. Private.
- Oct. 23, Albuquerque: Guided tours of Glass-Rite and Rader Awning for students of Ace Leadership High School. Private.
- Oct. 24, 12:00 – 1:30 pm, Albuquerque: Advanced Manufacturing Luncheon. Register.
- Oct. 25, 12:00 – 2:00 pm, WESST Enterprise Center, 609 Broadway Blvd. NE, Albuquerque: Public Open House featuring Women in Manufacturing, including Enchanted Mushroom Farms, Sandia Biotech, and Sandia Pet Products — all women-owned businesses. Register.
- Oct. 28, 10:15 am – 2:15 pm, Career Day at La Cueva High School with participation by New Mexico manufacturing companies.
San Juan College School of Energy students toured Clay Groomer Machine Shop - Oct. 30, 8:00 am – 12:00 pm, Central New Mexico College Smith Brasher Hall, 717 University Blvd. SE, Albuquerque: Advanced Manufacturing Career Expo featuring CNM’s Construction & Manufacturing Trades (CTE) Program, panel discussion, keynote speaker, and career fair including representatives from New Mexico manufacturing companies ready to hire. Register.
- Oct. 30, 8:00 – 9:00 am, Albuquerque: Employer Meeting with Innovation Leader Kaiser Yang. Register.
- Oct. 30, 11:30 am – 1:30 pm Online: Women in Manufacturing Panel Discussion featuring women-focused resources available from WESST and New Mexico MEP, along with advice from and experiences of women who are leading New Mexico manufacturing companies. Register. View Agenda and Slides.
- Oct. 31, Farmington: Guided tours for Gallup’s Hiroshi Miyamura High School 10th grade students of ABC Canvas and The Big Idea Makerspace at San Juan College in Farmington. Private.
- Nov. 2-3, Cuchillo: Open Studio at Precious Elements Designs. Open to the Public; No registration necessary. More Information.