4205 William St SE

Mt. Taylor Machine, LLC does business as Mt. Taylor Manufacturing and Out of the Woods Manufacturing. Our company is possibly the MOST GREEN in New Mexico! Why?
Our main division performs selective forest restoration. This process removes overgrown, drought ridden timber from the Cibola National Forest. The harvested material is made into boards and beams. The residue is made into compost, garden bark, wood chips, animal bedding and alternative energy in the form of wood pellets (Calientitos and Tiny T’Embers). Our process not only prevents catastrophic wildfires, it also protects New Mexico’s valuable watersheds.
Our secondary division, Out of the Woods Manufacturing, is located in the South Valley of Albuquerque. Here we recycle clean wood waste. Approximately ten million pounds of clean wood is converted into wood pellets rather than being needlessly land filled. Recycled wood is shipped to our home heat pellet plant in Milan, NM. But…at this site, 4205 William St SE, we operate a second wood pellet plant. This plant uses no recycled wood because it produces wood pellets for smoking food. EVERYONE buys pellets for smoking their favorite meats and vegetables. However, the flavors are all the same. Hickory. Mesquite. Hardwood of some sort or another. Not our smoker pellets. Ours are called Flavors of the Southwest. Why? Because they have a hardwood blend base to which we add flavors from a variety of processing plants. Flavors like pistachio. Rosemary. Red Chile. More flavors are coming and soon we plan to experiment with prickly pear hardwood blend! Can you think of a flavor we should add to our list? We are willing to experiment. If someone comes up with a winning flavor combination (a flavor from the Southwest) and we use it, you could win 25 bags of our smoker pellets! The new pellets will be available in mid to late November. They will make a great Christmas present.
Last, at our Milan location we also operate an industrial machine shop which specializes in supporting water well and other drilling industries. We can also do specialized machining and specialized fabrication work. Worried about having to transport your machine shop work to Milan and then being forced to pick it back up? There is no reason to worry. We have semi-trucks with trailers going back and forth between the two plants virtually every day. You can deliver your machine shop work to Out of the Woods Manufacturing and we will transport it to our shop for repair and then return it to you.
Our company helps save New Mexico forests from catastrophic wildfires. We help save watersheds. We save landfill space by converting wood others throw away into alternate energy valuable garden products. Green. As green as it gets
Contact Information
4205 William St SE
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Contact name: G. Matthew Allen
Phone: (505) 287-9469
Email: mallen7cities@gmail.com