Grow your talent stream through Mfg Day

“The manufacturing community has long struggled with finding skilled workers, citing, among other things, the misperceptions that manufacturing jobs underpay, are monotonous and involve working in dirty factories,” said Scott Dietz in a recent article. Dietz, of Catalyst Connection, an MEP Center based in Pittsburgh, continued, “With the adoption of Industry 4.0 — automation and robotics — the task at hand for the industry is as much about raising awareness and creating interest for high-tech careers in advanced manufacturing as it is about changing perceptions.”

In an article on the NIST website, Dietz offers that 64 percent of high school students choose their careers based on their interests and experiences; and that 61 percent of the millennials surveyed said that they are likely to factor a company’s commitment to the community into their decision when choosing between two jobs with the same location, responsibilities, pay and benefits.

Such stats should prompt manufacturers to hurry up and get more involved with local students and their community. Factory tours and demos, educational programming, interactive contests — these are vehicles for raising awareness, generating interest, and ultimately growing the talent stream. Manufacturing Day events do all of that and more.

This year, Mfg Day NM is rallying the future workforce with a range of activities. Also joining the 2023 event lineup are virtual presentations, lean manufacturing workshops, tours, job fairs, and panel discussions.

Join the action! Tell your company story, engage the community, host a group of students. Email us at mfgday [at] about the many opportunities to participate and grow New Mexico’s talent stream.