New team member: Julia Wise, Technology Transfer ID

A scientist with experience in education, healthcare, and technology transfer, Julia Wise joins our team to create, support, and lead programs that further technology-based economic and community development. She has an undergraduate degree in biology and chemistry, and a master’s and doctorate in geology.

Prior to moving back to Santa Fe, she worked for The Science Museum of Minnesota, had a stint as a barista, worked at The Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and Medical Center as well as at The Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Gardens. She taught geology, environmental science, and engineering at the University of Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky University, worked for STC.UNM, and served as director of the Office of Science and Technology for the State of New Mexico Economic Development Department.

“At EDD I created several programs which help connect innovation (lab bench) to the market. These programs include the Innovation Vouchers and the SBIR Matching Program. Both of these programs provide ways for companies to focus on addressing business challenges specific to science and technology companies.” – Julia Wise