ISO 9001:2008 Preparation for Certification

The current session is scheduled through December 2015. Please contact us for information on future sessions.

The New Mexico Economic Development Department, in collaboration with the New Mexico Manufacturing Extension Partnership, is offering New Mexico 9000 training classes to prepare New Mexico businesses for ISO 9001 Certification.

New Mexico 9000 was created by the Economic Development Department to provide training and assistance to New Mexico businesses in preparing for ISO 90001:2008. Training will be broken into six half-day sessions over a 3-6 month period.

“This is a great opportunity for New Mexico businesses to access new customers, become more efficient and lower their operating costs,” said Jon Barela, New Mexico Economic Development Cabinet Secretary.

The New Mexico 9000 training program has been completed by 155 companies, creating over 1,000 new expansion jobs.

Trained professionals will conduct ISO 9001:2008 classes in:

  • Internal Auditing
  • Writing Standard Operating Procedures
  • Writing Work Instructions
  • Understanding the Standard


ISO is a general Quality Management System. Companies like INTEL, Boeing and many other companies are requiring that their first tier suppliers be ISO 9001 certified. In turn, those suppliers are requiring that their suppliers are ISO 9000 certified. In addition, government agencies, such as the Department of Defense, NASA and NNSA are also requiring ISO certification of their providers.

ISO 9000 standards have been adopted by 178 countries. There are now more than 1 million companies worldwide that have registered to the ISO standards. Costs associated with obtaining, maintaining, and renewing ISO registration are tax deductible.

The cost of the New Mexico 9000 training classes is based on annual company sales revenue, ranging from $550 to $3,300 for the training.